Ha, I have to remove my glasses for the haircut - I'm as blind as a bat without them - so, once the hairdresser starts...I can't see what she's doing, until the end, when she holds up the mirror...and I put my glasses back on!

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This is exactly the sort of tip I am looking for!!!

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Jun 3Liked by Nelly Bryce

I actually like it as it gives me uninterrupted time for myself (as a haircut for my hair takes around 3 hours!) But because it takes so long I keep putting it off. I found an absolutely lovely hairdresser who took her time working out exactly what I wanted even though I couldn’t articulate it - but she left hairdressing! And I went back to the same business but with a different hairdresser it just wasn’t as good.

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I've had this. When you find that one, they are irreplaceable. So much effort to find a new one though, urgh.

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I hate haircuts too! Love having it done, but hate going. It's hard to get out of the house, and then to manage it for something I hate? Bleh! I think my head might be super sensitive too. I just want to crawl out of there without the blowdry sometimes.

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I always want to crawl out before the blowdry. That should be an option, surely?!

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Absolutely on the hair appointment!! I have been seeing the same hairdresser since I was 19 but I still go the minimal amounts possible and always have to accept that I won’t enjoy any element of it! Like you though, home colour just never works.

Also, I blooming love these new monthly posts 💕

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Ahh I am so glad. Not that you hate the hair cut. But that I am not just writing to myself, haha x

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May 31Liked by Nelly Bryce

Omg, it’s like you were in my actual mind! Spot on, as always! 😘

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I actually enjoy having my hair done but, I think I'm lucky to have found a hairdresser I get on well with and she isn't 25 years old! (details if you'd like). Apparently there are an increasing number of salons where you can request no small talk too. Maybe you need to hunt one out: https://www.stylist.co.uk/beauty/hair-salon-offers-quiet-chair-silence-for-those-who-hate-making-small-talk-cardiff-uk-wales-haircut-anxiety/137064

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Zero small talk hairdressers, it's a thing???!!

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Hels.... I love getting my haircut for the hair-playing and head massage (I could sleep right there at the backwash!). But there’s definitely a place for a silent, zen-like hairdresser. No chat, optional mirrors. Mirrors feel a bit like army mentality of wear them down and build them up so you feel your investment is worthy every penny!!

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But I really love my hairdresser... I still travel to Leeds for her as she knows me, knows my hair and nudges me to what needs to be done. I wouldnt get a mum cut past her.

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If you find a good one you literally have to travel. I get that. And I am thrilled you find it a relaxing zen like experience. I need to sort out my mindset and be braver with an initial "I'm just gonna read my book thanks"

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I’ve been known to go years without a professional haircut - longest was 12 years - I’ve struggled to find people who understand curly hair, and when I do they are always extra expensive. Ive embraced my glitters so don’t have to worry about colouring anymore. First grey hair at 13 so I was never going to win that particular fight. My go to cut is - layers but I need to be able to tie it back and a long fringe. That’s it. Let them do what they want after that as it all grows and curly hair hides so many sins (so why does it cost so much extra?). It needs doing again after 9 months and I’m contemplating doing it myself now as I resent paying the money to sit in a hairdressers and chat shite for 2 hours, to come home and restyle it my way immediately.

Anyway rant over. I liked the watermelon stickers your? child was drawing.

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Totally with you on the haircut thing. It's excruciating and awkward, and then you have to pay for it! I do have a regular hairdresser these days, but I still feel a twinge of dread as appointment day approaches. And I only ever have a dry cut - well done you for braving washing and colouring!

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Welllll, I haven't exactly booked that appointment yet???!!! haha. Hurrah for a great regular hairdresser. They are golden

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Late to the party but... Agree with everything you said re hairdresser. I now have a mobile hairdresser come to my house. No hair washing in those uncomfortable sinks, no staring at mirrors, no other people listening to conversations. It's perfect for me!

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Oooh now thats a great option!! Thanks for reassuring me I’m not alone x

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Are the quick journalling videos instead of Sunday Scribbles? Love the idea of them, but having the actual commitment to show up for you means I'm more likely to show up.

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Yeah, I think we should still do them because they are lovely aren't they?! x

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I hate going to the hairdresser, so I understand you perfectly. I have long hair so it is easy for me to cut the ends myself every 2 or 3 months. Regarding the video on YouTube... why don't you upload those videos right here in notes or in your substack?

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I've thought about doing the videos on here but I really sense that video isn't widely, how shall I say it, embraced on here? Which I get. I am a writer/reader at heart. But it would make things lots easier. Hmm. Thanks for making me think.

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Totally with you on this...and my lovely hairdresser that I found and have used comfortably for a good 4-5 years has decided shes stopping. She's having a career change, so pleased for her but also 😬😭 where do I begin to find another where I'm happy...

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Noooooo, that is the worst. Don't let her go. Turn up on her doorstep. Urghhhhhh (and also so great for her, haha).

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You've just described my whole visit to the hairdresser. It's a traumatic experience mostly. Although in the past months I have finally.found a good one who just lets me be quiet and doesn't speak 🤣

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"lets me be quiet" - that is exactly what I am looking for, haha

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Really enjoyed this with my morning cuppa Nelly! I love seeing your newsletter pop up. So relatable! The tipping - yes 😆

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Yeyyy. Your comment will help me to write next months!!! Thank you. The tipping is possibly my most awkward bit of the lot, argh.

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